Gin Rummy
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Gin Trnys

Gin Trnys
Posted by sumdumdame (VIP) May 14 2010 10:03AM

Hi .. These Trnys are similar AND, b/c of Settings, are not doable of anyone who has a daytime appx. hour break. Would be terrific if the TD's could work together to have some daytime Reg. Trnys, not 150-200 points Okie. Cheers ...Sum Start Time Pending Entry Fee Cash Prize Starts in May 14 2010 10:00am EST 150 OKIE (LD) 5 TIX W/DONL Single elim. 150 points, 1 min. per move 5 Tickets Calculate May 14 2010 12:00pm EST 200 OKIE (LD) 10 TIX w/ Spicii Single elim. 200 points, 1 min. per move 10 Tickets Calculate May 14 2010 2:00pm EST 150 OKIE LD 8 TIX....HOP IN W/BunieMa Single elim. 150 points, 1 min. per move

HEY DAME did you miss my post
Posted by Gr8 (TD) May 19 2010 1:08PM

HELLO ALL Posted by Gr8 (TD) 1 May 2010 3:54pm Iam open to idea,s on the type game you all like to play ok Iam going to start hosting in gin and want you all to join and bring a friend but the FIRST thing ill say i like to start on time

Posted by Spicii (TD) May 26 2010 3:44PM

I made some 10 tix gin for earlier in the day, requested. They didnt go so I have set other gin games. Hard to please all and I will keep your requests in mind as I set tourneys. Tyvm, Spicii

Gin Tourneys
Posted by SCOPEMAN (TD) May 26 2010 7:23PM

I have been setting 5 and 3 tix tourneys at the last minute and most have gone. I set tourneys for players not to make tix. Thats why I stay away from crib. I am here for the players not for the tix. Scopeman

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